Friday, June 7, 2024

The Business Plot was BS

I really didn't want to ever make another post on this Blog as I'm not a Conspiracy Theorist at all anymore, hence my renaming this blog as Defunct.  But something relevant to the topic has been bugging me that I need to get off my chest.

I find it fascinating how The Business Plot is the one Conspiracy that even the most Anti-Conspiracy Theory people on the Internet right now unironically consider to be unambiguously true, form Centrist History YouTubers to BreadTubers.  Even Leftists critical of other seemingly Leftist in nature Conspiracy Theories.

Because to me it's so obviously BS.  When you look at all the actual relevant History in context, Smedley Butler was clearly fabricating it.

First of all he was being quite a bit more specific in who he was accusing then the standard Popular retellings imply.  His targets were The American Liberty League and The American Legion.  And I am no apologist for those organizations, I absolutely do consider them capable of considering something like this.

But the idea that in 1933 they would turn a guy who was already publicly one of The American Legion's most vocal haters when they had a number of viable popular Strongman candidates of their own, Douglas MacArthur, Theodore Roosevelt Jr, George C Patton to name a few, is ridiculous.

You see Butler was a VFW member.  Back then there was a huge Beef between those groups with the VFW being very left leaning while the American Legion was openly identifying itself with Mussolini.  This whole thing was driven by that beef.

It clearly has a lot to do with people all over the political spectrum loving a lot of what he had to say in War Is A Racket, and so do I.  But having good politics doesn't prevent one from being a scam artist.

The investigation into Butler's claims was done by the McCormack-Dickstein Committee, if there was real solid evidence they would have acted.

I do still believe some things you can consider Conspiracy Theory adjacent, I still believe the CIA has done more shady stuff then what's officially declassified.  And I'm a Leftist now.  Yet The Business Plot still doesn't hold water.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Lutheran Aristocracy

Lutheran Aristocracy

House of Ludovingian
Louis I, Landgrave of Thuringia
:Louis II, Landgrave of Thuringia
::Louis III, Landgrave of Thuringia           
::Hermann I, Landgrave of Thuringia, Patron of Wolfram von Eschenbach
::::Henry III, Margrave of Meissen    
:::::Albert II, Margrave of Meissen   
::::::Frederick I, Margrave of Meissen (Became Heir to House of Hohenstaufen)
::::Herman I, Count of Henneberg
:::Louis IV, Landgrave of Thuringia
::::Hermann II, Landgrave of Thuringia
::::Sophie of Thuringia, Duchess of Brabant
:::::Henry I, Landgrave of Hesse
::::Henry II, Prince of Anhalt-Aschersleben
::::Bernhard I, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg
::::Siegfried I, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst
:::::Albert I, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst
:::Henry Raspe
:::Conrad, Grand Master of The Teutonic Knights

Reformation Era (16th Century)

Philip I, Langrave of Hesse (Heir of Henry I Landgrave of Hesse)
John the Steadfast Elector of Saxony (Heir of Frederick I, Margrave of Meissen)
Ernest I, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg as well as his brothers Otto and Francis 
Henry IV the Pious, Duke of Saxony (Another Patrilineal Descendent of Fredrick of Meissen)

Julius of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Philip I, Duke of Brunswick-Grubenhagen
John V Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst (it was his brother who converted the family but he had no children)
Jobst II, Count of Hoya
Bernhard VIII, Count of Lippe
Barnim XI, Duke of Pomerania
Philip I, Duke of Pomerania
Philip III Count of Waldeck and his nephew Count Philip IV of Waldeck-Wildungen
George I of Württemberg-Mömpelgard and his brother Ulrich
Charles II Margrave of Baden-Durlach
John Albert I, Duke of Mecklenburg
Wolfgang, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken (Mother and Wife were both Princesses of Hesse)
Christopher, Count of Oldenburg
Anthony I, Count of Oldenburg
John III Duke of Cleves (Mother was another descendent of Henry Landgrave of Hesse)

Albert of Prussia last Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights and first Duke of Prussia
Joachim II Hector, Elector of Brandenburg.  
(Progenitors of the later Kings of Prussia and Kaisers.  Their common ancestor was Albrecht III)
John, Margrave of Brandenburg-Küstrin a brother of Joachim II Hector.

Louis V, Elector Palatine
Frederick II, Elector Palatine
Otto Henry, Elector Palatine
John II, Count Palatine of Simmern

William I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg 
Gustav I of Sweden
Elizabeth of Denmark, Electress of Brandenburg
Dorothea of Denmark, Duchess of Prussia
Christian III of Denmark 

Bavarian Illuminati Members (usually born in the 1740s or 1750s)

Ernest II Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (Male-preference Primogeniture heir of John the Steadfast)
Prince August of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
Karl August Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (Male-only Primogeniture heir of John the Steadfast)
Prince Frederick Ferdinand Constantin of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel
Prince Christian of Hesse-Darmstadt
?Louis X, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt
Frederick V, Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg
?Frederick Christian II, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel (1721-1792)
?Frederick William III of Prussia father of Kaiser Wilhelm I

Nazi Party Members and Sympathizers (alive in the 1930s and 40s)

House of Hohenzollern
Kaiser Wilhelm II sometimes expressed support for Hitler but sometimes condemned him
:Prince August Wilhelm of Prussia (NSDAP – 24)
::Prince Alexander Ferdinand of Prussia (NSDAP – 534782)
:Prince Joachim Franz Humbert of Prussia
::Prince Karl Franz of Prussia (NSDAP – 2407422)
:Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia
Princess Margaret of Prussia (NSDAP – 4814690)
Princess Marianne of Prussia (NSDAP – 4628851)

British Royals
Duke of Windsor/King Edward VIII (Male-preference primogeniture heir of Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg)
Princess Alexandra of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (NSDAP – 4969451)
:Gottfried Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (NSDAP – 402307)
Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Charles Edward Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (NSDAP – 2560843)
:Johann Leopold, Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (NSDAP – 1037966)
:Prince Hubertus of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (NSDAP – 7213588)
Princess Marie Louise of Hanover and Cumberland
:Princess Marie Alexandra of Baden (NSDAP – 7900128)
:Berthold, Margrave of Baden
Princess Alexandra of Hanover and Cumberland
:Friedrich Franz, Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (SS) (NSDAP – 504973)
:Duke Christian Louis of Mecklenburg
Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick

Other Princes of Saxony
Boris III of Bulgaria (Nazi Collaborator during WWII)
Prince Rainer of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (NSDAP – 300354)
Prince Ernst of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (NSDAP – 196633)
Prince Leopoldine of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (NSDAP – 1453322)
Georg of Saxe-Meiningen (NSDAP – 2594794)
Bernhard Prince of Saxe-Meiningen (NSDAP – 898842)
Ernst II Duke of Saxe-Altenburg (NSDAP – 4868932)
:Georg Moritz Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Altenburg

House of Hesse
Frederick Charles Louis Constantine Prince and Landgrave of Hesse (NSDAP – 4814689)
:Philip Landgrave of Hesse (NSDAP – 418991)
:Prince Wolfgang of Hesse-Cassel (NSDAP – 1794944)
:Prince Christopher of Hesse-Cassel (SS) (NSDAP – 696176)
Chlodwig Langrave of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld
:Prince Wilhelm of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld (SS) (NSDAP – 1187621)
:Alexander Friedrich of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld (NSDAP – 1184026)
:Princess Viktoria Cacilie (NSDAP – 3515493)
Ernest Louis Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine
:Louis Prince of Hesse and by Rhine (NSDAP – 5900506)
:Georg Donatus Hereditary Grand Duke of Hesse  (NSDAP – 3766312)
Princess Cecilie of Greece and Denmark (NSDAP – 3766313)
Prince Richard of Hesse (NSDAP – 1203662)

House of Lippe
Princess Marie Adelheid of Lippe (NSDAP – 237533)
Prince Bernhard of Lippe
:Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (NSDAP – 2583009)
:Prince Aschwin of Lippe-Biesterfeld (NSDAP – 5854038)
Leopold IV Prince of Lippe
:Ernst Hereditary Prince of Lippe (SS) (NSDAP – 88835)
:Prince Leopold Bernhard of Lippe
:Prince Chlodwig of Lippe
Wolrad Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe (NSDAP – 3681098)
Prince Stephan of Schaumburg-Lippe (NSDAP – 309344)
Prince Friedrich Christian of Schaumburg-Lippe (NSDAP – 95146)
Princess Bathildis of Schaumburg-Lippe (NSDAP – 3681097)

Princess Marie-Auguste of Anhalt (NSDAP – 3452693)
Duchess Edda Charlotte of Anhalt (NSDAP – 4843880)
Duke Joachim Ernst of Anhalt (NSDAP – 7267717)
Princess Pauline of Württemberg
Nikolaus Hereditary Grand Duke of Oldenburg (NSDAP – 4085803)
Duchess Altburg of Oldenburg (NSDAP – 161001)
Josias Hereditary Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont (SS) (NSDAP – 160025)
:Princess Margarethe of Waldeck and Pyrmont (NSDAP – 8562493)
:Prince Wittekind of Waldeck and Pyrmont (Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler were his Godfathers)

House of Windsor's succession from Hohenstaufen

Frederick Barbarossa Holy Roman Emperor
Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
Margaret of Sicily, Wife of Albert II Margrave of Meissen
Frederick I, Margrave of Meissen
Frederick II, Margrave of Meissen
Frederick III, the Strict
Frederick I, Elector of Saxony
Frederick II, Elector of Saxony
Ernest, Elector of Saxony
Johann the Steadfast Elector of Saxony
Johann Friedrich I, Elector of Saxony
Johann Wilhelm, Duke of Saxe-Weimar
Friedrich Wilhelm I, Duke of Saxe-Weimar
Johann Philipp, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg
Princess Elisabeth Sophie of Saxe-Altenburg, Wife of Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha
Frederick I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
Frederick II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
Frederick III, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
Augustus, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
Princess Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, Wife of Ernest III, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
Albert, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria
King Edward VII
King George V
King George VI
Queen Elizabeth II
Charles, Prince of Wales
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge
Prince George of Cambridge

Thursday, August 1, 2019

J. R. Church's Guardians of The Grail 1989

My copy of this book was already an old used copy when I first obtained it years ago, I think when Church was still with us, everything highlighted and underlined in it was already like that when I got it.  I used to be a big fan of Prophecy In The News but never agreed with them on everything and over the last decade my views on a lot of subjects have changed.

This book is an American Evangelical Christian response to/appropriation of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail/Priory of Sion conspiracy theory before it was cool, before The DaVinci Code made it a mainstream cultural phenomenon.

Starting on page 14 is a genealogy of the supposed Grail Bloodline that has a lot of historical errors in it.  But I don't know how much that is Church's own fault and how much comes from the original Priory of Sion hoax documents forged by Pierre Plantard.

It starts as a genealogy of the Merovingian Dynasty which seems pretty accurate down to Dagobert II.  Then it lists a Sigisbert IV as a son of Dagobert II which is the foundational claim of the Priory of Sion hoax.  It's not impossible that Dagobert II had a son not known to the contemporary historians because of how weak our documentation of that era is in general, and also because the Merovingians tended to delay Baptizing and officially naming their children.  So it's a plausible claim, but right now any genealogy listing Dagobert II as having a known documented son is doing so based on that hoax.

So everyone on this list from Sigisbert IV until the first Eustace of Boulogne is probably purely the fiction of the original hoax.  I don't know whether or not the original hoax claimed Godfrey of Bouillon and his brothers were part of this bloodline or if that was simply added by Crusades Nerds later.  Their real Pater-Lineal ancestry can only be traced back as far as Baldwin I Margrave of Flanders who lived in the 800s and married a daughter of Charles The Bald an heir of Charlemagne.  It's not impossible he descended from an unknown cadet branch of the Merovingians, but it can't be proven.

This genealogy then makes two weird mistakes at the First Crusade generation.  1. It claims they had a sister named Alex who was married to Henry IV Holy Roman Emperor which is not the case, all known children of Eustace II of Boulogne were sons.  Henry IV had a couple different wives, none were directly related to the houses of Boulogne or Flanders.  2. It merges Baldwin I of Jerusalem who was a brother of Godfrey with Baldwin II of Jerusalem who descended from different noble houses, so that it can claim one individual has both the ancestors of Baldwin I and descendants of Baldwin II.

The next weird error is pretty much claiming all descendants of Fulk V of Anjou King of Jerusalem descended from Melisande of Jerusalem, in fact the Plantagenet Dynasty as well as other later Counts of Anjou descended from Fulk V's first wife.

However the most randomly weird claim of the genealogy is that Philip II Augustus of France was a son of Henry II of England.  That one really baffles me.

But from Philip II Augustus of France down to Karl Von Habsburg on page 18 it is accurate.  The next section which is about tracing the Holy Roman Emperors to the Habsburgs I can't comment on, I haven't looked into that history nearly as much.

The main objective of this genealogy is to trace the House of Valois-Anjou to the House of Habsburg-Lorraine.  Amusingly the Valois Dynasty does descend from Henry II of England.

The Kings of France descend from Henry II of England starting with Louis IX and his full brother Charles of Anjou.  Their maternal grandmother was Eleanor of England a daughter of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine.  Meanwhile their paternal Grandmother descended from a daughter of Fulk V,  and was also descended from the counts of Hainaut (another offshoot of Flanders) through a sister of the first Latin Emperors.

Louis IX was the direct Paterlineal ancestor of Charles Valois as well as the Bourbon Dynasty, and Charles of Anjou was the direct Paterlineal ancestor of Margaret, Countess of Anjou and Maine the wife of Charles Valois from whom he inherited his claim to Anjou.  Charles Valois through his mother descended from Agnes of Antioch a granddaughter of a sister of Melisande, and from Yolanda of Flanders & Peter II of Courtenay, as well as Eudokia Komnene a Byzantine Princess.

I talked about the Valois Dynasty including a little bit it's connection to Anjou in the post I made in April about the Crusader Crown of Jerusalem.  But ultimately that focused more on the Burgundian branch of the Valois Dynasty which descended from the youngest son of King John II of France.  The Valois-Anjou dynasty descends from an older son of John II, Louis I Duke of Anjou.

Direct Paterlineal descent from the Valois-Anjou line ends with sons of Rene I of Anjou and so the line continued long term through his daughter Yolande of Anjou who married Frederick of Lorraine.  In addition to being the progenitors of the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty they also sired the Guise, the arch enemies of the Hugenots during the French Wars of Religion.

Rene I of Anjou is also on the list of alleged Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion, but it's weird because that timeline has him Grand Master already as a nine year old in 1418.  His family also played a role in the history of Jeanne d'Arc.

Monday, July 1, 2019


[Update December 2021, this spot I never really took seriously but now I definitively want to state that's not a real thesis I endorse.]

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Curse of Balal was lifted at Pentecost

It's common for Fundamentalist Christians, particularly ones who are Conspiracy Theorists, to argue against the concept of Globalism by pointing to Genesis 11, Global Government is evil because it's a do over of the Tower of Babel.

The thing is this ignores how much of The New Testament is about Jesus and The Holy Spirit through The Church undoing the various curses inflicted upon mankind because of our sins over the course of the Book of Genesis (and beyond).  Culminating in us returning to Eden in Revelation 21-22.

And the undoing of the confusion of tongs in Genesis 11 is explicitly one of the things Acts 2 is about.  And we later see in Corinthians that in addition to a spiritual gift for speaking in other Tongs there is a also a gift for interpreting tongs.

In Romans 11 Paul explains that God is going to graft the fullness of the Gentile Nations into Israel and THEN All of Israel will be Saved.  In Revelation 21 the Gates of New Jerusalem are never closed and all the nations bring their treasures into it.

The main person speaking in Acts 2 is Peter who in his First Epistle tells us he is now at Babylon.

And the Veil being torn in The Temple when Jesus was on The Cross symbolized Man no longer being separated from God. At Pentecost we became His Temple.

None of this means I'm enthusiastic about the Capitalist Global Government the Billionaires and Mega-Corporations are trying to impose on us.  I already did a post on my Prophesy Blog about how Babylon in Revelation is Capitalism.

But objecting to Globalization simply on the grounds of saying "God divided the nations at Babel" displays a really insulting Biblical illiteracy.

For those confused by the title of this post.  It is partly a Symphogear reference, I think I might be the only Western Symphogear fan who knows that Balal is the Hebrew word for Confusion used in the text of Genesis 11.  The comments section on Crunchyroll I remember assumed it was a reference to Baal.

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Knights Templars and the Outremer Crown of Jerusalem.

Every European Noble who has formally and publicly claimed the title "King of Jerusalem" since the Crusader states fell has done so via some claim of succession from Baldwin II of Jerusalem.  But an argument can be made that Baldwin II was a usurper to begin with.

Now in my opinion the Crusader States were invalid to begin with, Christians should view Jesus as the only King of Jerusalem and that land as belonging to The Jews.  But this post is being done in the context of what old fashioned Feudal European logic was.

Godfrey de Bouillon declined the title of King in 1099 and instead went by Protector of the Holy Sepulcher under which title he founded the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher.  By both the same father and mother Godfrey had an older brother and a younger brother, both of whom also took part in the first Crusade.

It was his younger brother Baldwin I who proclaimed himself the first King of Jerusalem.  Which was funny because even by the "Right of Conquest" logic he didn't take part in the siege of Jerusalem, he was too busy Little Fingering his way to the thrown of Edessa.

Their older bother Eustace III of Boulogne did take part in the siege of Jerusalem.  When Baldwin I died in 1118 he was offered the Throne of Jerusalem, at first he was hesitant to take it but then decided he would.  But then when on the way there he heard Baldwin II had been crowned and he decided to just head back home, he died in less then a decade anyway.

He only had one child, a daughter, Matilda of Boulogne.  She married Stephen of England and had five children, however only Marie I Countess of Boulogne had any children of her own.  Basically long term descent from Eustace III of Boulogne comes entirely from Matilda of Boulogne's marriage to Henry I Duke of Barbant, more often then not through Henry II Duke of Barbant.  His sons include the founder of the House of Hesse, but the claims to the title of Duke of Barbant all descend from Henry III Duke of Barbant, who was succeeded by three straight John of Barbants.  Henry II of Barbant's first wife was a descendant of Fredrick Barbarossa, and his second wife descended from Barbarossa's sister.

The Paterlineal ancestry of the Counts of Boulogne go back to Adalulf Count of Boulogne, his brother Arnulf I of Flanders would be the progenitor of other nobles involved in the Crusades including the Counts of Flanders and the Latin Emperors of Constantinople.  Their mother was  Ælfthryth of Wessex daughter of Alfred The Great.  Their father was Baldwin II of Flanders, son of Baldwin I of Flanders and Judith a great-granddaughter of Charlemagne.  Baldwin of Flanders' ancestry isn't known.

The Grandson of Charlemagne who was Judith's father was Charles The Bald, specifically he inherited West Francia, which basically became what we now know as France, though Flanders and Barbant specifically are in Belgium.  Judith was the first born child of Charles The Bald, older then any of his sons.  So an argument can be made that especially once all the male line Carolingian dies out the Heirs to Flanders became the rightful heirs to France.

Eustace III also became one of the early Patrons of the Knights Templars.  However another early noble supporter and maybe also member of the Knights Templars was Fulk V of Anjou.  A number of Grand Masters of the order also came from Anjou.  The Count of Anjou during the third Crusade was King Richard I of England, the Grand Master of the Templars at that time was Robert de Sable who was a very close ally to Richard.  Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival is the origin of associating the Templars with the Holy Grail, it also associates the Grail with a royal family from Anjou which produces Parzival himself and others.

In 1290 Charles of Valois became Count of Anjou by his marriage to Margaret Countess of Anjou.  He very strongly publicly opposed the execution of Jacques de Molay last Grand Master of the Knights Templars in 1314.  The sudden tragedies that befell the family of Philip IV following this resulted in the descendants of Charles and Margaret ruling France for over 200 years till the rise of the Bourbon Dynasty.

The House of Valois would go on to make a number of dynastic connections to descendants of Henry II of Barbant.  But the most significant of them was Philip the Bold's marriage to Margaret III of Flanders, through which their descendants would inherit the titles of Count of Flanders (and with it a potential claim to being the Latin Emperor) and Duke of Barbant, thus making them the heirs to Eustace III's claim to the Throne of Jerusalem.

The thing is, there is no need to look at weird Secret History to find a continuation of The Knights Templars.  The King of Portugal in 1307-1314 never went along with their suppression and thus the Templars in Portugal became the Military Order of Christ which continues to this day.  From 1417-1460 the Grand Master of the Order of Christ was Henry the Navigator, a younger son of the then King of Portugal, his mother was also a Lancaster. In January of 1430 his Sister Isabella of Portugal married Philip The Good.

Philip The Good was a paternal grandson of Philip the Bold.  At this time he had already inherited the title Count of Flanders and before 1430 is over he'll become Duke of Barbant upon the death of his paternal Cousin.  He celebrated this marriage by founding the Order of the Golden Fleece, and to this day the Grandmasters of that Order are the direct heirs of Philip the Good through Charles the Bold his son by Isabella. Charles the Bold's only child was a daughter Mary of Burgundy who married Maximilian Holy Roman Emperor, they were the grandparents of Emperor Charles V and Ferdinand making the Hapsburg Dynasty the Heirs of Barbant and Flanders right down to the current Karl von Hapsburg, and the King of Spain.

An offshoot of that order is the Order of Saint George which became the Imperial Order of St George.  Who's Grand Master is also still Karl von Hapsburg.  All of these orders are Roman Catholic orders, some more wiling to let non Catholics in then others.

Philip The Good was on the side of the English during much of the latter phase of the Hundred Years War, it was he who captured Jeanne d'Arc and the Cardinal who orchestrated her trail was a close associate of his.  He would switch sides later however.

Friday, September 1, 2017

This Blog isn’t Dead

I won’t be making be making any new posts on it for the foreseeable future since I’m out of completely new ideas, and really have been for awhile.

But I’ll still be notified of any new comments left and still try to respond to them.  I may continue editing/updating some old posts as well.

If I do wind up making a new post because a burst of inspiration came to me.  That doesn’t likely mean I’ll be returning to making new posts regularly.

My Sola Scriptura Christian Liberty blog, and A Chronological View of Revelation, I’ll continue trying to add to at least once a month.  And my main JaredMithrandir-Olorin blog I'll likely be updating at least weekly.