Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The book Secrecy or Freedom, Sumerizes other old Conspiracy books

One book I recently ordered off Amazon cheaply is Secrecy of Freedom, a book with gives in-depth reviews of a dozen older books going back 200 years. A shot statement of the book's goal exists here.
I ordered it off Amazon
And I shall copy the review of it I left there.
This book is a review of a number of older earlier books, some from the 19th Century. It's now allot cheaper then buying all these books on their own, some are rare now. It presents some of the most detailed information you can find on the History of Conspiracies, but there are some issues of perspective.

Many of the books chosen (Starting with favoring Barruel over Robinson) presents thing from a very Pro-Catholic and Anti-Protestant (especially Anglican) perspective. Tarpley especially is worth taking issue with. He says the Reformation was created by Venice is response to a threat against them from the the early 1500s in order to divide Europe. This ignores men like Girolamo Savonarola and John Wycliffe who were reformers well before Luther. And there were always groups in Western Europe that did not submit to the Vatican. He refers to England having been Catholic for 900 years before the time of Henry VIII, but the Britons were already Christian before Augustine came with roots going back to the First Century, and he persecuted these Celtic Christians.

Now, I am not a mainline Protestant. I'm a member of no Denomination as I hate organized religion. But I am philosophically a cross between an Independent Baptist and a Pentecostal. So I do agree, the more organized Reformation of men like Calvin was the Church of Sardis.

The first 2 of the 3 Webster books covered are very good at giving detailed information on the French Revolution and latter European Revolutions. That show that the common people wanted a Constitutional Monarchy from of Government inspired by America's, but the Conspirators manipulated events to follow their Anti-Christian and Socialist agenda. The third however as it talks about about the history of Monotheistic Religion gets into allot of questionable areas.

My last significant comment is on Treason in America. Mostly this books is all very good information, but one area that surprised me, is seeing a book on Conspiracy that says Andrew Jackson's ending the Central Bank was a bad thing and gave more power to the English aristocrats. The fact is the Bank was controlled by the British. I can agree then Von Buren's actions on how to deal with the changes in Economy following the Bank's removal were problematic.

The book also has a few points were it debunks the notion of viewing it as a Jewish Conspiracy. Which is very good.
 Tarpley's book can be read online free here.
The the pre-1923 ones should be possible to find online free too, but Dillon's might not be because of it having been lost till rediscovered in 1950.

I've learned since I first made that review that Webster's books make some major errors.  She confuses the two Dukes of Brunswick.  And she desired to connect the Illuminati to only one factions of the French Revolutionaries.  In fact they had ties to many factions, including the Duke of Orleans.

The mission statement of groups like the Illuminati, the Jacobins and the Carbonari may have been opposition to Royalty and Aristocracy in-principle, and the rank and file members and their non member supporters truly believed that ideal. But the evidence suggests the power behind them was one clan of Nobility trying to wipe out their rivals.

Chief among them were the British Oligarchy who gained absolute power in Britain upon the establishment of the House of Hannover with King George I, who controlled the Bank of England and the East India Company. But outside England they were allied with the Venetian Nobility, and a collection of Germanic Noble and Royal families they intermarried with.  The enemies they wanted dealt with were mainly the French (main Bourbon line) and Austrian Royal Families of the time originally, but in time they grew to really hate Russia's Tzars.  The Duke of Orleans was related the Bourbans, but had a connection to those German families.

Fredrick The Great king of Prussia who was a key collaborator of Voltaire (in known to have played a vital role in forming German Freemasonry in the years before the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati) was a grandson of George I. Wilhelm IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel who played an important role in the biography of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (the relationship didn't begin till the early 1800s however, and neither the Freemasons or Jews in the late 1700s allowed Jews to join) was a Grandson of George II. And his Brother Karl was the number two person in German Freemasonry, and was inducted into the Illuminati in 1782. Another Grandson of George II was William V, Prince of Orange-Nassau an ancestor of the current Royal Family of the Netherlands, who are key players in the Bilderberg group. Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (1745–1804) harbored Adam Weishaut during his latter life, he's of the same Noble family that produced Albert, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria as well as Victoria herself, and thus the current Windsor dynasty.  Also related to both the Hannover and Saxe-Gotha families were the Dukes of Brunswick, the older of whom was the Grand Master of German Freemasonry.

Voltaire had been originally inducted into Freemasonry in England, and there is evidence of British and Venetian spies being involved in the French Revolution. According to Tarply both Cagliostro and Casanova were Venetian agents. The British Crown and it's system was never even scratched by the Revolutions of the 19th Century. They had Popular Uprisings in 1848, but they could never get the Support of the grander Masonic-Carbonari Conspiracy. Dillon notes how Mazzini neglects to mention the Irish as being among the people who deserve Freedom and Independence.

Another mysterious figure is Nubius. In the records available to Dillon he is known only by his Codename (which is Nubius) his real name and identity isn't known. (This can clearly make him very attractive to a writer of fiction, like myself).  All we know is....

1. He became leader of the Carbonari many years before Weishaut died in 1830 (at least by 1822), and after Weishaut's Death he became head of the entire Conspiracy.

2. He was an Italian Nobleman.

3. He was alive at least as late as August 9th 1838. But died soon after (maybe in 1838, or a few years latter, probably no latter then 1844), was possibly Poisoned by Mazzini or his supporters who wanted to take the leadership of the Carbonari for himself, but Nubius didn't even let him into the Inner Circle (the Alta Vendita) because Mazzini desired a strategy that he considered to aggressive and bloody at that point.

I have come to suspect he's possibly Philippe Buonarroti/Filippo Giuseppe Maria Ludovico Buonarroti. 

After Nubius's death Mazzini gained power within the Carbonari and Italian Freemasonry, but Lord Palmerston become the leader of the grander Conspiracy.

Count Calgiostro can be the one most difficult to study. Many real Conspiracy Theory websites that don't do enough fact checking have trouble separating the real figure from the fiction of Alexandre Dumas. Only the Second Dumas novel featuring him The Queen's Necklace is even loosely based on his real history. The narrative of Joseph Balsamo a.k.a. Memoirs of a Physician set in 1770 to 1773 is pure fiction, but the fantastic background he claims for himself is basically what the real Calgiostro claimed.

Cagliostro is historically attributed with playing a key role in the history of the Masonic Rite of Misriam. Which latter merges with the rite of Memphis to form the rite of Memphis-Misraim, the exclusive Masonic order William Schneobelen says he joined and reached the 90th Degree of.

There were also Pro-Catholic and Pro-Royalist secret societies, lead by the Jesuits, in opposition to the Masonic-Illuminati-Carbonari conspirators.

Their mission statement being The Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822.
Page 6781

25 April 1916

      I wish to put in the RECORD the secret treaty of Verona of  November 22, 1822, showing what this ancient conflict is between the rule of the few and the rule of the many.  I wish to call the attention of the Senate to this treaty because it is the threat of this treaty which was the basis of the Monroe doctrine.  It throws a powerful white light upon the conflict between monarchial government and government by the people.  The Holy Alliance under the influence of Metternich, the Premier of Austria, in 1822, issued this remarkable secret document :

[American Diplomatic Code,  1778 - 1884,  vol.  2 ;  Elliott,  p. 179.]


      The  undersigned,  specially  authorized  to  make  some  additions  to  the  treaty  of  the  Holy  Alliance,  after  having  exchanged  their  respective  credentials,  have  agreed  as  follows :

      ARTICLE  1.  The  high  contracting  powers  being  convinced  that  the  system  of  representative  government  is  equally  as  incompatible  with  the  monarchial  principles  as  the  maxim  of  the  sovereignty  of  the  people  with  the  high  divine  right,  engage mutually  in  the  most  solemn  manner,  to  use  all  their  efforts  to  put  an  end  to  the  system  of  representative  governments,  in  whatever  country  it  may  exist  in  Europe,  and  to  prevent  its  being  introduced  in  those  countries  where  it  is  not  yet  known.

      ART.  2.  As  it  can  not  be  doubted  that  the  liberty  of  the  press  is  the  most  powerful  means  used  by  the  pretended  supporters  of  the  rights  of  nations  to  the  detriment  of  those  princes,  the  high  contracting  parties  promise  reciprocally  to  adopt  all  proper  measures  to  suppress  it,  not  only  in  their  own  states  but  also  in  the  rest  of  Europe.

      ART.  3.  Convinced  that  the  principles  of  religion  contribute  most  powerfully  to  keep  nations  in  the  state  of  passive  obedience  which  they  owe  to  their  princes,  the  high  contracting  parties  declare  it  to  be  their  intention  to  sustain  in  their  respective  States  those  measures  which  the  clergy  may  adopt,  with  the  aim  of  ameliorating  their  own  interests,  so  intimately  connected  with  the  preservation  of  the  authority  of  the  princes ;  and  the  contracting  powers  join  in  offering  their  thanks  to  the  Pope  for  what  he  has  already  done  for  them,  and  solicit  his  constant  cooperation  in  their  views  of  submitting  the  nations.

      ART.  4.  The  situation  of  Spain  and  Portugal  unite  unhappily  all  the  circumstances  to  which  this treaty  has  particular  reference.    The  high  contracting  parties,  in  confiding  to  France  the  care  of  putting  an  end  to  them,  engaged  to  assist  her  in  the  manner  which  may  the  least  compromit  them  with  their  own  people  and  the  people  of  France  by  means  of  a  subsidy  on  the  part  of  the  two  empires  of  20,000,000  of  francs  every  year  from  the  date  of  the  signature  of  this  treaty  to  the  end  of  the  war.

      ART.  5.  In  order  to  establish  in  the  Peninsula  the  order  of  things  which  existed  before  the  revolution  of  Cadiz,  and  to  insure  the  entire  execution  of  the  articles  of  the  present  treaty,  the  high  contracting  parties  give  to  each  other  the  reciprocal  assurance  that  as  long  as  their  views  are  not  fulfilled,  rejecting  all  other  ideas  of  utility  or  other  measure  to  be  taken,  they  will  address  themselves  with  the  shortest  possible  delay  to  all  the  authorities  existing  in  their  States  and  to  all  their  agents  in  foreign  countries,  with  the  view  to  establish  connections  tending  toward  the  accomplishment  of  the  objects  proposed  by  this  treaty.

      ART.  6.  This  treaty  shall  be  renewed  with  such  changes  as  new  circumstances  may  give  occasion  for,  either  at  a  new  congress  or  at  the  court  of  one  of  the  contracting  parties,  as  soon  as  the  war  with  Spain  shall  be  terminated.

      ART.  7.  The  present  treaty  shall  be  ratified  and  the  ratifications  exchanged  at  Paris  within  the  space  of  six  months.

Made  at  Verona  the  22d  November,  1822.

For  Austria :-----------------------------------------------------METTERNICH.

For  France :------------------------------------------------CHATEAUBRIAND.

For  Prussia :---------------------------------------------------------BERNSTET.

For  Russia :------------------------------------------------------NESSELRODE.

      I ask to have printed in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD this secret treaty, because I think it ought to be called now to the attention of the people of the United States and of the world.  This evidence of the conflict between the rule of the few verses popular government should be emphasized on the minds of the people of the United States, that the conflict now waging throughout the world may be more clearly understood, for after all said the great pending war springs from the weakness and frailty of government by the few, where human error is far more probable than the error of the many where aggressive war is only permitted upon the authorizing vote of those whose lives are jeopardized in the trenches of modern war.

      Mr.  SHAFROTH.  Mr. President, I should like to have the senator state whether in that treaty there was not a coalition formed between the powerful countries of Europe to reestablish the sovereignty of Spain in the Republics of South and Central America?

      Mr.  OWEN.  I was just going to comment upon that, and I am going  to take but a few moments to do so because I realize the pressure of other matters.  This Holy Alliance, having put a Bourbon  prince upon the throne of  France by force, then used France to suppress the constitution of Spain immediately afterwards, and by this very treaty gave her a subsidy of 20,000,000 francs annually to enable her to wage war upon the people of Spain and to prevent their exercise of any measure of the right of self-government.  The Holy Alliance immediately did the same thing in Italy, by sending Austrian troops to Italy, where the people there attempted to exercise a like measure of liberal constitutional self-government ;  and it was not until the printing press, which the Holy Alliance so stoutly opposed, taught the people of Europe the value of liberty that finally one country after another seized a greater and greater right of self government, until now it may be fairly said that nearly all the nations of Europe have a very large measure of self government.    However, I wish to call the attention of the Senate and the country to this important history in the growth of  constitutional popular self-government.    The Holy Alliance made its powers felt by the wholesale drastic suppression of the press in Europe, by universal censorship, by killing free speech and all ideas of popular rights, and by the complete suppression of popular government.    The Holy Alliance having destroyed popular government in Spain and in Italy, had well-laid plans also to destroy popular government in the American colonies which had revolted from Spain and Portugal in Central and South America under the influence of the successful example of the United States.    It was because of this conspiracy against the American Republics by the European monarchies that the great English statesman, Canning, called the attention of our government to it, and our statesmen then, including Thomas Jefferson, took an active part to bring about the declaration by President Monroe in his next annual message to the Congress of the United States that the United States should regard it as an act of hostility to the government of the United States and an unfriendly act if this coalition or if any power of Europe ever undertook to establish upon the American Continent any control of  any American Republic or to acquire any territorial rights.    This is the so-called Monroe doctrine.    The threat under the secret treaty of Verona to suppress popular governments in the American Republics is the basis of the Monroe doctrine.    This secret treaty sets forth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and popular government and the government of the few as against the government of the many.    It is a part, in reality, of developing popular sovereignty when we demand for women equal rights to life, to liberty, to the possession of property, to an equal voice in the making of the laws and the administration of the laws.    This demand on the part of the women is made by men, and it ought to be made by men as well as by thinking, progressive women, as it will promote human liberty and human happiness.    I sympathize with it, and I hope that all parties will in the national conventions give their approval to this larger measure of liberty to the better half of the human race.

Official Records of the Union Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion
 One thing both conspiracies had in common was being threatened by the United States Constitution.

In time however the Catholic Church was completely taken over the Masonic conspirators. John the 23rd played a key role in that take over, as did the P2 Lodge. John Paul II cemented it.

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